The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be corporal punishment for stupidity,
but why don't we take the warning labels off everything and let the problem solve itself?

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Can't promise I'll update it often, but for those who care...
__//Counters\_______ ___ __ _
| Oct 05th, 2003; 15:01:15 [-0700]
| Consider all counters reset as of October 5th.
__//Finally...\_______ ___ __ _
| Oct 04th, 2003; 13:19:32 [-0700]
| And after a long week of TRYING to make it happen, my PHP site will finally be live and viewable by everyone. About damn time.
__//Update::Lyrics\_______ ___ __ _
| Sep 30th, 2003; 02:19:19 [-0700]
| Lyrics now has a link displayed to hear a song if I have the midi for it =)
__//Lyrics\_______ ___ __ _
| Sep 28th, 2003; 06:59:48 [-0700]
| After many long hours and probably a few caffeine overdoses, I now have Lyrics for your amusement. Have fun =)
__//Music\_______ ___ __ _
| Sep 28th, 2003; 06:53:00 [-0700]
| Music has been entirely rewritten in PHP.
| I now have an Advanced Search. available for your abuse. Among other things, I added ~300 songs as well.
__//Site\_______ ___ __ _
| Sep 28th, 2003; 06:49:13 [-0700]
| As mentioned slightly on the main page, I am changing hosts.
| My new host is Hosting321, and I now have more bandwidth available as well as much faster servers. The big change in all this was I'm moving from Win2k/IIS to Linux/Apache.
| The site has been entirely and painfully rewritten in PHP, and the scripts will be returning slowly as I rewrite them, as well as some new ones.
| Enjoy!
°» Counters
°» Finally...
°» Update::Lyrics
°» Lyrics
°» Music
°» Site